Radiology Procedures: Paracentesis (Determining What Type Of Sedation/Anesthesia The Patient Will Require)


In the case of a paracentesis given the nature of the procedure the determination of what type of sedation to use is fairly simple. Generally speaking only local sedation (such as lidocaine is used). That being said there are sometimes exceptions. Please refer to the general page on Determining What Type Of Sedation/Anesthesia The Patient Will Require.

In the case of a paracentesis typically only local anesthetic is used, and general anesthesia is not really even a consideration given its relative risks (image source).

The vast majority of time using only local anesthetic is the most appropriate for performing a paracentesis. While there may be some exceptions, most patients should have the expectation that this is the most appropriate way for them to receive the procedure. The needle for a paracentesis is quite small, and the entire area leading into the peritoneum can be anesthetized very effectively with lidocaine.





Page Updated: 07.04.2019