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Cerebral angiographic projections have a direct influence on visualization of key vascular anatomy during procedures. This page covers some common projections (and how they change the appearance of key vascular anatomy).
As the C arm is moved around, the path of X-ray beams will move with it. A projection will ELONGATE a vessel (improving its visualization) if the path of X-ray beams are perpendicular to that vessel. Contrastingly a projection will SHORTEN a vessel (decreasing its visibility) if the X-ray beams are parallel to that vessel.

In summary the angle of x-ray beams relative to a vessel changes its appearance: if the angle is perpendicular the vessel is ELONGATED, if the angle is parallel the vessel is SHORTENED.
The Townes projection is a common frontal projection: The detector is angled up toward the vertex of the skull.

Here are the key features:
- Should see the IACs in the petrous bone but don’t move indicator towards the point of seeing the foramen magnum.
- This puts the X-ray beam orthogonal to the PCOMS and PCAs
- This ELONGATES the PCOMs and PCAs
- Will conversely shorten the basilar artery
The Water’s projection is a common frontal projection: The detector is angled down toward the patient’s maxilla.

Here are the key features:
- Orbital roofs should be just off the top of the screen (depending on the mag).
- This puts the X-ray beam orthogonal to the basilar artery
- This ELONGATES the basilar artery as well as its branches
The Schuller’s projection is a common lateral projection: Angle detector to the shoulder of the side your catheter is on.

Here are the key features:
- Elevates the M2, M3s, and M4s and separates them from the ACA.
- Shortens the M1 branch.
- Some PCA branches more visible
The reverse Schuller’s projection is a common lateral projection: Angle detector away from the shoulder of the side your catheter is on.

Here are the key features:
- Lowers the MCA branches.
- Puts the ACOM and A1 in plane.