This page is dedicated to organizing relevant information about the duodenum.
First Part:
- Emerges from the pylorus of the stomach
- Horizontally oriented over the first lumbar vertebra
- Only part that is not retroperitoneal
Second Part:
- Courses inferiorly from the level of L1 to L3
- Close in relation to the head of the pancreas
- Contains the ampulla of Vater (site where pancreatic and common bile duct recreations are released)
Third Part:
- Courses horizontally over L3, the abdominal aorta, and the inferior vena cava.
- Close association with the unite process of the pancreas, superior mesenteric artery, superior mesenteric vein
- Malignancies in this region can compress the superior mesenteric vessels (SMA syndrome)
Fourth Part:
- Courses superiorly and to the left of the L2 and l3 vertebrae.
- Becomes the jejunum pas the ligament of Treitz.
Page Updated: 04.26.2017