Condition Specific Radiology: Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)


This page is dedicated to covering how the condition cholelithiasis (gallstones) will appear on different types of imaging studies.


Fundamentally, a gallstones can have a few different compositions but refer to solid/precipitated material in the gallbladder. 


Here are some general features of this condition that might be appreciated across modalities:



Key features of the appearance of this condition on this imaging modality are:


Key features of the appearance of this condition on this imaging modality are:

  • Echogenic: sound waves will not penetrate the gallstones given their dense nature and they will appear echogenic.
  • Posterior shadowing: this phenomenon will be seen with gallstones given their dense nature
  • Mobile nature/gravity dependent nature: unlike polyps, gallstones are mobile and will of often change positions in a gravity depdnednet nature as the patient moves around during the ultrasound study.

Key features of the appearance of this condition on this imaging modality are:



Key features of the appearance of this condition on this imaging modality are complicated given the different types of gall bladder stones as well as the different MRI sequences and protocols used:

  • Generally speaking a signal void will be appreciated on MRCP


Page Updated: 10.29.2018